Apache Server Information

Module Name: mod_proxy.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Post-Read Request, Translate Name, Map to Storage, Fixups, Content Handlers
Module Directives:
<Proxy> - Container for directives affecting resources located in the proxied location
<ProxyMatch> - Container for directives affecting resources located in the proxied location, in regular expression syntax
ProxyRequests - on if the true proxy requests should be accepted
ProxyRemote - a scheme, partial URL or '*' and a proxy server
ProxyRemoteMatch - a regex pattern and a proxy server
ProxyPassInterpolateEnv - Interpolate Env Vars in reverse Proxy
ProxyPass - a virtual path and a URL
ProxyPassMatch - a virtual path and a URL
ProxyPassReverse - a virtual path and a URL for reverse proxy behaviour
ProxyPassReverseCookiePath - Path rewrite rule for proxying cookies
ProxyPassReverseCookieDomain - Domain rewrite rule for proxying cookies
ProxyBlock - A list of names, hosts or domains to which the proxy will not connect
ProxyReceiveBufferSize - Receive buffer size for outgoing HTTP and FTP connections in bytes
ProxyIOBufferSize - IO buffer size for outgoing HTTP and FTP connections in bytes
ProxyMaxForwards - The maximum number of proxies a request may be forwarded through.
NoProxy - A list of domains, hosts, or subnets to which the proxy will connect directly
ProxyDomain - The default intranet domain name (in absence of a domain in the URL)
ProxyVia - Configure Via: proxy header header to one of: on | off | block | full
ProxyErrorOverride - use our error handling pages instead of the servers' we are proxying
ProxyPreserveHost - on if we should preserve host header while proxying
ProxyTimeout - Set the timeout (in seconds) for a proxied connection. This overrides the server timeout
ProxyBadHeader - How to handle bad header line in response: IsError | Ignore | StartBody
BalancerMember - A balancer name and scheme with list of params
BalancerGrowth - Number of additional Balancers that can be added post-config
BalancerPersist - on if the balancer should persist changes on reboot/restart made via the Balancer Manager
BalancerInherit - on if this server should inherit Balancers and Workers defined in the main server (Setting to off recommended if using the Balancer Manager)
ProxyPassInherit - on if this server should inherit all ProxyPass directives defined in the main server (Setting to off recommended if using the Balancer Manager)
ProxyStatus - Configure Status: proxy status to one of: on | off | full
ProxySet - A balancer or worker name with list of params
ProxySourceAddress - Configure local source IP used for request forward
ProxyAddHeaders - on if X-Forwarded-* headers should be added or completed
Current Configuration: