Apache Server Information

Module Name: core.c
Content handlers: yes
Configuration Phase Participation: Create Directory Config, Merge Directory Configs, Create Server Config, Merge Server Configs
Request Phase Participation: Pre-Connection, Create Connection, Create Request, Translate Name, Map to Storage, Check Type, Fixups, Insert Filters, Content Handlers, Generate Log ID
Module Directives:
<Directory> - Container for directives affecting resources located in the specified directories
<Location> - Container for directives affecting resources accessed through the specified URL paths
<VirtualHost> - Container to map directives to a particular virtual host, takes one or more host addresses
<Files> - Container for directives affecting files matching specified patterns
<Limit> - Container for authentication directives when accessed using specified HTTP methods
<LimitExcept> - Container for authentication directives to be applied when any HTTP method other than those specified is used to access the resource
<IfModule> - Container for directives based on existence of specified modules
<IfDefine> - Container for directives based on existence of command line defines
<DirectoryMatch> - Container for directives affecting resources located in the specified directories
<LocationMatch> - Container for directives affecting resources accessed through the specified URL paths
<FilesMatch> - Container for directives affecting files matching specified patterns
AddDefaultCharset - The name of the default charset to add to any Content-Type without one or 'Off' to disable
AcceptPathInfo - Set to on or off for PATH_INFO to be accepted by handlers, or default for the per-handler preference
Define - Define a variable, optionally to a value. Same as passing -D to the command line.
UnDefine - Undefine the existence of a variable. Undo a Define.
Error - Generate error message from within configuration
<If> - Container for directives to be conditionally applied
<ElseIf> - Container for directives to be conditionally applied
<Else> - Container for directives to be conditionally applied
AccessFileName - Name(s) of per-directory config files (default: .htaccess)
DocumentRoot - Root directory of the document tree
ErrorDocument - Change responses for HTTP errors
AllowOverride - Controls what groups of directives can be configured by per-directory config files
AllowOverrideList - Controls what individual directives can be configured by per-directory config files
Options - Set a number of attributes for a given directory
DefaultType - the default media type for otherwise untyped files (DEPRECATED)
FileETag - Specify components used to construct a file's ETag
EnableMMAP - Controls whether memory-mapping may be used to read files
EnableSendfile - Controls whether sendfile may be used to transmit files
Protocol - Set the Protocol for httpd to use.
AcceptFilter - Set the Accept Filter to use for a protocol
Port - Port was replaced with Listen in Apache 2.0
HostnameLookups - "on" to enable, "off" to disable reverse DNS lookups, or "double" to enable double-reverse DNS lookups
ServerAdmin - The email address of the server administrator
ServerName - The hostname and port of the server
ServerSignature - En-/disable server signature (on|off|email)
ServerRoot - Common directory of server-related files (logs, confs, etc.)
DefaultRuntimeDir - Common directory for run-time files (shared memory, locks, etc.)
ErrorLog - The filename of the error log
ErrorLogFormat - Format string for the ErrorLog
ServerAlias - A name or names alternately used to access the server
ServerPath - The pathname the server can be reached at
Timeout - Timeout duration (sec)
ContentDigest - whether or not to send a Content-MD5 header with each request
UseCanonicalName - How to work out the ServerName : Port when constructing URLs
UseCanonicalPhysicalPort - Whether to use the physical Port when constructing URLs
Include - Name(s) of the config file(s) to be included; fails if the wildcard does not match at least one file
IncludeOptional - Name or pattern of the config file(s) to be included; ignored if the file does not exist or the pattern does not match any files
LogLevel - Level of verbosity in error logging
NameVirtualHost - A numeric IP address:port, or the name of a host
ServerTokens - Determine tokens displayed in the Server: header - Min(imal), Major, Minor, Prod(uctOnly), OS, or Full
LimitRequestLine - Limit on maximum size of an HTTP request line
LimitRequestFieldsize - Limit on maximum size of an HTTP request header field
LimitRequestFields - Limit (0 = unlimited) on max number of header fields in a request message
LimitRequestBody - Limit (in bytes) on maximum size of request message body
LimitXMLRequestBody - Limit (in bytes) on maximum size of an XML-based request body
Mutex - mutex (or "default") and mechanism
MaxRanges - Maximum number of Ranges in a request before returning the entire resource, or 0 for unlimited
MaxRangeOverlaps - Maximum number of overlaps in Ranges in a request before returning the entire resource, or 0 for unlimited
MaxRangeReversals - Maximum number of reversals in Ranges in a request before returning the entire resource, or 0 for unlimited
RLimitCPU - Soft/hard limits for max CPU usage in seconds
RLimitMEM - Soft/hard limits for max memory usage per process
RLimitNPROC - soft/hard limits for max number of processes per uid
LimitInternalRecursion - maximum recursion depth of internal redirects and subrequests
ForceType - a mime type that overrides other configured type
SetHandler - a handler name that overrides any other configured handler
SetOutputFilter - filter (or ; delimited list of filters) to be run on the request content
SetInputFilter - filter (or ; delimited list of filters) to be run on the request body
AllowEncodedSlashes - Allow URLs containing '/' encoded as '%2F'
ScoreBoardFile - A file for Apache to maintain runtime process management information
ExtendedStatus - "On" to track extended status information, "Off" to disable
SeeRequestTail - For extended status, "On" to see the last 63 chars of the request line, "Off" (default) to see the first 63
PidFile - A file for logging the server process ID
MaxRequestsPerChild - Maximum number of connections a particular child serves before dying. (DEPRECATED, use MaxConnectionsPerChild)
MaxConnectionsPerChild - Maximum number of connections a particular child serves before dying.
CoreDumpDirectory - The location of the directory Apache changes to before dumping core
MaxMemFree - Maximum number of 1k blocks a particular child's allocator may hold.
ThreadStackSize - Size in bytes of stack used by threads handling client connections
TraceEnable - 'on' (default), 'off' or 'extended' to trace request body content
Current Configuration:
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/common.conf
   8: DocumentRoot "/ltk/sw/httpd/htdocs"
  14: <Directory />
  15:   Options FollowSymLinks
  16:   AllowOverride None
    : </Directory>
  22: <Directory "/ltk/sw/httpd/htdocs">
  35:   Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
  42:   AllowOverride None
    : </Directory>
  62: ErrorLog logs/tr1err.log
  64: LogLevel warn
 147: <Directory "/ltk/sw/httpd/cgi-bin">
 148:   AllowOverride None
 149:   Options None
    : </Directory>
 230: <Location /server-status>
 231:   SetHandler server-status
    : </Location>
 239: <Location /server-info>
 240:   SetHandler server-info
    : </Location>
 259: ErrorLog /ltk/sw/httpd/logs/error_log
 261: LogLevel warn
 299: <Directory "/ltk/sw/httpd/cgi-bin">
 300:   AllowOverride None
 301:   Options None
    : </Directory>
 314: EnableMMAP on
 315: EnableSendfile on
 325: Timeout 45
 329: UseCanonicalName Off
 330: AccessFileName .htaccess
 331: ServerTokens prod
 332: ServerSignature off
 333: HostnameLookups Off
 337: ExtendedStatus On
In file: /ltk/sw/httpd/conf/server.conf
   2: ServerAdmin admin@lovetoknow.com
   3: ServerName ltkng-v4.lovetoknow.com
  17: MaxRequestsPerChild 1024000
  21: <VirtualHost *:80>
  22:   ServerName
  23:   ServerAlias
  24:   ServerAlias ec2-54-161-165-166.compute-1.amazonaws.com
  25:   DocumentRoot /ltk/svr
    : </VirtualHost>
  32: <VirtualHost *:80>
  34:   ServerName ltkng.lovetoknow.com
  35:   ServerAlias staging.lovetoknow.com
  37:   DocumentRoot /ltk/svr
  38:   <Directory /ltk/svr/dl>
  39:     Options +Indexes
    :   </Directory>
  47:   <Directory /ltk/ltk-logs>
  48:     Options +Indexes
    :   </Directory>
    : </VirtualHost>
In file: /ltk/ltk-maint/site/config/httpd.conf
   2: <VirtualHost *:80>
   4:   ServerName admin.maint.lovetoknow.com
   5:   ServerAlias publish.maint.lovetoknow.com love2publish.maint.lovetoknow.com l2p.maint.lovetoknow.com
   9:   DocumentRoot /ltk/ltk-maint/site/web
    : </VirtualHost>
  61: <VirtualHost *:80>
  62:   ServerName maint.lovetoknow.com
  63:   ServerAlias maint.lovetoknowhealth.com maint.lovetoknowpets.com
    : </VirtualHost>
  70: <VirtualHost *:80>
  72:   ServerName www.maint.lovetoknow.com
  73:   ServerAlias *.maint.lovetoknow.com www.maint.lovetoknowhealth.com www.maint.lovetoknowpets.com
  77:   DocumentRoot /ltk/ltk-maint/site/web
 100:   <FilesMatch "^(acerca|ayuda|oportunidades|politica-cookies|politica-editorial|privacidad|relaciones-afiliacion|terminos)\.html">
 101:     SetHandler php5-script
    :   </FilesMatch>
 192:   <Location ~ "\.xml">
 193:     ForceType text/xml
    :   </Location>
 195:   <Location ~ "LoveToKnow_RSS">
 196:     ForceType application/xml
    :   </Location>
    : </VirtualHost>
In file: /ltk/ltk-release/site/config/httpd.conf
   2: <VirtualHost *:80>
   4:   ServerName admin.release.lovetoknow.com
   5:   ServerAlias publish.release.lovetoknow.com love2publish.release.lovetoknow.com l2p.release.lovetoknow.com
   9:   DocumentRoot /ltk/ltk-release/site/web
    : </VirtualHost>
  61: <VirtualHost *:80>
  62:   ServerName release.lovetoknow.com
  63:   ServerAlias release.lovetoknowhealth.com release.lovetoknowpets.com
    : </VirtualHost>
  70: <VirtualHost *:80>
  72:   ServerName www.release.lovetoknow.com
  73:   ServerAlias *.release.lovetoknow.com www.release.lovetoknowhealth.com www.release.lovetoknowpets.com
  77:   DocumentRoot /ltk/ltk-release/site/web
  96:   <FilesMatch "^(acerca|ayuda|oportunidades|politica-cookies|politica-editorial|privacidad|relaciones-afiliacion|terminos)\.html">
  97:     SetHandler php5-script
    :   </FilesMatch>
 170:   <Location ~ "\.xml">
 171:     ForceType text/xml
    :   </Location>
 173:   <Location ~ "LoveToKnow_RSS">
 174:     ForceType application/xml
    :   </Location>
    : </VirtualHost>
In file: /ltk/ltk-test/site/config/httpd.conf
   2: <VirtualHost *:80>
   4:   ServerName admin.test.lovetoknow.com
   5:   ServerAlias publish.test.lovetoknow.com love2publish.test.lovetoknow.com l2p.test.lovetoknow.com
   9:   DocumentRoot /ltk/ltk-test/site/web
    : </VirtualHost>
  61: <VirtualHost *:80>
  62:   ServerName test.lovetoknow.com
  63:   ServerAlias test.lovetoknowhealth.com test.lovetoknowpets.com
    : </VirtualHost>
  70: <VirtualHost *:80>
  72:   ServerName www.test.lovetoknow.com
  73:   ServerAlias *.test.lovetoknow.com www.test.lovetoknowhealth.com www.test.lovetoknowpets.com
  77:   DocumentRoot /ltk/ltk-test/site/web
 100:   <FilesMatch "^(acerca|ayuda|oportunidades|politica-cookies|politica-editorial|privacidad|relaciones-afiliacion|terminos)\.html">
 101:     SetHandler php5-script
    :   </FilesMatch>
 192:   <Location ~ "\.xml">
 193:     ForceType text/xml
    :   </Location>
 195:   <Location ~ "LoveToKnow_RSS">
 196:     ForceType application/xml
    :   </Location>
    : </VirtualHost>
In file: /ltk/ltk-dev/site/config/httpd.conf
   2: <VirtualHost *:80>
   4:   ServerName admin.dev.lovetoknow.com
   5:   ServerAlias publish.dev.lovetoknow.com love2publish.dev.lovetoknow.com l2p.dev.lovetoknow.com
   9:   DocumentRoot /ltk/ltk-dev/site/web
    : </VirtualHost>
  61: <VirtualHost *:80>
  62:   ServerName dev.lovetoknow.com
  63:   ServerAlias dev.lovetoknowhealth.com dev.lovetoknowpets.com
    : </VirtualHost>
  70: <VirtualHost *:80>
  72:   ServerName www.dev.lovetoknow.com
  73:   ServerAlias *.dev.lovetoknow.com www.dev.lovetoknowhealth.com www.dev.lovetoknowpets.com
  77:   DocumentRoot /ltk/ltk-dev/site/web
  96:   <FilesMatch "^(acerca|ayuda|oportunidades|politica-cookies|politica-editorial|privacidad|relaciones-afiliacion|terminos)\.html">
  97:     SetHandler php5-script
    :   </FilesMatch>
 170:   <Location ~ "\.xml">
 171:     ForceType text/xml
    :   </Location>
 173:   <Location ~ "LoveToKnow_RSS">
 174:     ForceType application/xml
    :   </Location>
    : </VirtualHost>